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I'm Reading Comeeks

I dedicate this blog to comics in all forms, manga, autobio, superhero, art books, etc.  And of course, since I need a challenge, I've decided that I'll read and write (short) reviews for 365 comics during 2015.

S'Noir White

Snow White: A Graphic Novel - Matt Phelan, Matt Phelan

Yep.  I'm standing by my bad pun.


This is a beautifully illustrated film noir take on the Snow White story and I liked it.  It was sparse with text and plentiful with panel after panel of gritty, dazzling art that spoke for itself.  


I'm not generally a fan of fairy tales, especially the ones that Disney has pretty much taken over, such as Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and of course Snow White.  So, I don't often find myself picking up books that are interpretations or even inspired by these too often told tales. 


However it found it's way into my request list, I actually enjoyed the experience of reading this book, even though it really didn't bring anything new to the story, which stayed very true to the outline of Snow White, but the illustrations and the window into this Depression era world of street kids, follies, and abandoned buildings was very enticing and helped it to become more than just another Snow White.