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I'm Reading Comeeks

I dedicate this blog to comics in all forms, manga, autobio, superhero, art books, etc.  And of course, since I need a challenge, I've decided that I'll read and write (short) reviews for 365 comics during 2015.

Oh My Glob

Adventure Time Sugary Shorts Vol. 1 - Paul Pope, Aaron Renier, Chris Houghton, Anthony Clark

Sugary Shorts, is pretty much the best title.  I applaud whoever came up with that gem.


The collection features all sorts of artists and writers and everything from flash comics (one page comics) to short one-shot comics.  There is one comic in this collection that will no doubt stick with me for the rest of my life. 


My Cider the Mountain.  Not only is that another hilarious title, but the following story will chill you down to your marrow and make you uncertain whether you'll ever want to drink apple juice again.  Featuring an amazing cast of lovingly rendered Adventure Time folks, including Tree Trunks and Cinnamon Bun.  When I got to the last panel of this particular story, I did say out loud, "Oh MY GLOB!"


As usual the level of artistic and creative talent going into the collection was very high.  There were a few stories here and there that weren't as great as the rest, but still AT really sets a high standard, so those comics are still pretty freakin' awesome.


It's always interesting to see what stories come out of these things, I for one would never have imagined the story about Hot Dog Princess's birthday, which took both her and Peppermint Butler to the land of Death.


Definitely needed a little pick me up after some of the comics I've been reading lately and this was it!  I'd say anytime one is down, Adventure Time really is comforting for kids and adults alike.  It's fun, the characters speak to the best in us, bring out our childish side and the good guy in all of us.